The Max Ratt
News Hour
Sample all news here. If you want to search for a specific episode, use the search at the upper-right corner. Enjoy!
Featured Episode
Special Occupy Wall Street Edition
October 9th 2011- In this episode Max analyzes the Occupy Wall Street Movement and gives his take on the protestor’s message or messages and gives his own opinions on what is the most effective message. Max goes downtown to “Liberty Square” and interviews the occupiers as well as aggregating numerous TV clips outlining and articulating the movement. Max’s point of view is END THE FED … THAT’S THE MESSAGE.. Lotsa great tunes and comic relief as well.
The Max Ratt News Hour December 17th 2012 Episode 28: The Sandy Hook Hoax
The max ratt news hour December 17th 2012- In this episode Max takes a hard look at the latest Staged Media Mega-Deception taking place at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. Max evaluates and investigates the intense media coverage of what he concludes...
The Max Ratt News Hour October 29th 2012 Episode 27: Fake Terror
The max ratt news hour October 29th 2012 – In this Episode, Max investigates this week’s latest media hoaxes regarding alleged terrorism act in New York City. Share EpisodeOther EpisodesCategories
The Max Ratt News Hour September 11th 2012 Episode 26: THE DEFINITIVE 9/11
The max ratt news hour September 11th 2012 – In this Episode Max delivers his Greatest Show. “I’m Max and I believe THIS IS THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE ALL-INCLUSIVE INFO-PACKED INCISIVE AND MOST ACCURATE SHOW AVAILABLE ON THE TOPIC OF 9/11″! Its Audio, so you will NOT be...
The Max Ratt News Hour August 12th 2012 Episode 25: Sikh Temple Shooting and Mars Rover Landing Deconstructed
The max ratt news hour August 12th 2012- In this Episode, Max investigates this week’s latest Media Hoaxes. First, Max addresses another staged shooting in Wisconsin and breaks down the media lies and nonsensical inconsistencies in this contrived Media Sham. Next, Max...
The Max Ratt News Hour July 29th 2012 Episode 24: The Batman Massacre Misdirection
The max ratt news hour July 29th 2012- In this episode Max investigates the recent Media Mania surrounding the alleged “Batman Massacre” in Aurora, Colorado. When stories are rolled out and hyped over the top such as this one, Max is on the lookout for lies and...
The Max Ratt News Hour July 9th 2012 Episode 23: The Interest Rate Swap Deception
The max ratt news hour July 9th 2012- In this episode Max investigates the latest Bankster Mega-Fraud. Once again, Criminal Big Banking Scum in cahoots with the Federal Reserve have perpetrated a GIANT ripoff of the American people, and once again, this derivatives...
The Max Ratt News Hour May 20th 2012 Episode 22: The Jamie Dimon, JP Morgan Bankster Mega-Theft
The max ratt news hour May 20th 2012- In this episode Max aggregates loads of info relevant to the recent news stories swirling around the alleged $2 billion trading losses and Jamie Dimon’s subsequent mainstream media appearances and his attempts at damage control...
The Max Ratt News Hour May 7th 2012 Episode 21: The Student Loan Fiasco
The max ratt news hour May 6th 2012 – In this Episode Max analyzes the Student Loan Mess in America and realizes that this is another big fat SCAM very similar to the Mortgage Backed Securities Mega-Scam still playing out in front of our eyes… Max is still blown away...
The Max Ratt News Hour April 10th 2012 Episode 20: The Healthcare Debate
The max ratt news hour April 10th 2012 – In this episode Max addresses and analyzes the broad topic of Healthcare and specifically the recent Healthcare debate in the Supreme Court. Max reviews the 3 days of arguments relating to the mandatory purchase of Healthcare...
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